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  • The United Nations’ latest Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Progress Report flags that progress on more than 50% of the 2030 targets is “weak and insufficient; on 30% has stalled or gone into reve ...
  • Many girls and young women don’t know they have ADHD, because their condition is so underdiagnosed. How can we all support these often-overlooked students?
  • With more than 100 humanitarian crises around the world in 2023 alone, children’s education is taking a terrible hit. Can EdTech help to fill in the learning gaps and support better futures?
  • Which students fall on the wrong side of the digital divide, and what can be done to support them?
  • How does the call for later school start times reflect a growing shift in attitudes to education?
  • An award-winning hybrid assessment project by Birmingham City University Hybrid Model has transformed their students’ testing experience and helped to bridge the digital divide.
  • While individual school budgets vary, wider trends will affect all school budgets. Here’s what your school needs to consider.
  • Smart educators invest in impact – so what should you consider before buying EdTech?
  • Lenovo’s ESG commitments aim to fuse education, environmental responsibility, and innovation with a mission to redefine what it means to be a tech company in today’s world.
  • Compared to alternatives like apprenticeships or corporate training, is Higher Education still providing a worthwhile experience?


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